The Jerome Gun Hill Business Improvement District would like to welcome its newest business, Tasty Picks, located at 89 East Gun Hill Road at the corner of East Gun Hill Road and Rochambeau Avenue.
The Jerome Gun Hill Business Improvement District would like to welcome its newest business, Tasty Picks, located at 89 East Gun Hill Road at the corner of East Gun Hill Road and Rochambeau Avenue.
The Jerome Gun Hill BID is always looking for ways to advertise our diverse commercial corridor and attract new businesses and customers. If you would like to be part of one of the many Jerome Gun Hill Business Improvement Districts marketing and advertising events please call the BID hotline for more information!
Follow this link to see the Jerome Gun Hill BID’s Spring Television Commercial! (Spanish) (English)
The Fordham Foundry, a collaborative program between New York City’s Department of Small Business Services (SBS) and Fordham Schools of Business’ Center for Entrepreneurship, welcomed friends, students and partners to an open house on March 20.
This spring the Jerome Gun Hill BID held a face painting and meet the Easter bunny event! Our friends at Valentino’s Party Supply, located at 347 E. Gun Hill Road, welcomed the Easter bunny and our local residents for a face painting, and a meet and greet event. Join us this summer for more of the Jerome Gun Hill Business Improvement Districts events and shopping!